New York Botanical Garden Issues Request for Proposals for Major Mixed-Use Development

The request seeks proposals that incorporate a hotel, residential units, and retail space.  On January 19, 2016, the New York Botanical Garden issued a request for proposals to construct a mixed-use development on an “acre-plus parcel” of land that sits at the south-east corner of Webster Avenue and Bedford Park Boulevard, which is directly adjacent to the Botanical Garden’s parking garage.  The development would be part of a larger district-wide transformation that has been underway … <Read More>

Comptroller Audit Finds $10 Million Wrongly Given In Tax Abatements

Audit determined the Department of Finance improperly gave abatements to condos and co-ops owned by corporations over a four-year period.  On January 28, 2016 the Office of the City Comptroller Scott Stringer released a report of an audit conducted of the Department of Finance.  In the final report, the Comptroller’s Office found the Department of Finance wrongly gave out over $10 million worth of property tax abatements to corporate-owned condominums, co-ops, indoor parking spaces, … <Read More>

City Planning Commission to Vote on MIH and ZQA Tomorrow, February 3rd

The votes will be taken at the Commission’s public meeting at 22 Reade Street in Manhattan.  On February 3, 2016, the City Planning Commission will be voting on whether to recommend approval or denial of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing and Zoning for Quality and Affordability zoning proposals.  City Planning’s vote will be the first taken since the community boards responded negatively at the end of 2015.  The vote also comes a month … <Read More>

Land Use Committee Approves New Two-Lot Wide Building on Controversial Site

Developers spent months engaging local representatives and neighborhood residents to garner their approval before formally initiating ULURP process.  On January 28, 2016, the City Council Land Use Committee unanimously approved an application to construct a mixed-use building at 146–150 Wooster Street, located in Manhattan’s landmarked SoHo Cast-Iron Historic District.  150 Wooster LLC, the project developer and subsidiary of KUB real estate investment and design firm, is the second owner to attempt to build a … <Read More>

Neighborhood Coalition Proposal is Most Comprehensive Zoning Plan Ever Submitted by a Community Group

The proposal would protect neighborhood aesthetics with height caps on new developments and provide additional benefits to affected communities.  On January 21, 2016, the Department of City Planning received a zoning proposal from the East River Fifties Alliance, a neighborhood coalition led by City Council members Ben Kallos and Daniel Garodnick, which is the most comprehensive residential re-zoning proposal to ever be submitted by a community group. The proposal seeks to safeguard the Upper East … <Read More>