City Planning Commission Holds Hearing on St. John Terminal Rezoning [UPDATE: City Planning Approves Application]

The proposed rezoning would permit the development of four mixed-use buildings and one commercial building across the street from Pier 40. On August 24, 2016, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on an application for a zoning text amendment, a zoning map change, four special permits, three authorizations, and one chairperson certification to facilitate the redevelopment of the commercial building at 550 Washington Street, in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village. The project would create … <Read More>

CPC Holds Hearing on Proposed City Warehouse Conversion

The proposed building would provide low income housing and community-oriented facilities.   On August 19, 2015, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on a Department of Housing Preservation and Development application to develop an eleven-story building for both commercial and residential use. The proposal would demolish an existing Landmarks Preservation Commission warehouse at 337 Berry Street in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn and replace it with a 15,000 square-foot mixed use building. The … <Read More>