Clock Tower LPC Certificate Annulled By Court

Justice found Landmarks had authority mandate public access to interior landmark, and require that historic clock’s operation remain mechanical. The Landmarks Preservation Commission designated the interior of the former New York Life Insurance Company Building, at 346 Broadway as an interior landmark in 1987.  The designated space includes the “Clocktower Suite” inside a tower at the top of the building. A spiral staircase and machinery room for the four clock faces on the tower, … <Read More>

Former Fish Market Building to be Dismantled, Reconstructed, Moved

The Tin Building will be elevated to bring it out of 100-year flood plain, and it will be restored to its market use as part of the larger Seaport development.  On March 22, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered and approved a proposal to dismantle the Tin Building, built as part of the Fulton Fish Market in 1907, and move, restore and reconstruct the structure within the South Street Seaport Historic District. The building, … <Read More>

New Six-Story-Plus-Penthouse Building Approved for Site Occupied by 1940s Garage

Morris Adjmi-designed plan would be faced with steel frame inspired by cast-iron architecture in front of a setback glass curtain wall. On March 15, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered and approved a proposal to demolish an existing 1940 garage and construct a new retail and office building at 134 Wooster Street in the SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District. Premier Equities are the site’s developers. The development shares the same block as another planned development … <Read More>

Early 20th Century Dairy Buildings Enter Designation Process

Two buildings in former dairy complex identified as potentially worthy of preservation in advance of proposed East New York rezoning. At a meeting on March 8, 2016, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to add the Empire State Dairy Company Buildings at 2840 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn to its calendar, formally commencing the designation process. The two buildings together prominently occupy a full block face along Atlantic Avenue. Landmarks staff undertook a survey of the neighborhood … <Read More>

Roof Addition to Rare Surviving Park Avenue Rowhouse Sent Back for Revision

1885 Queen Anne-style rowhouse would return to serving as a one-family dwelling; applicants said proposed work would allow light into building and provide space to compensate for lack of a rear yard. On February 2, 2015, the Landmarks Preservation Commission considered a proposal for an addition and alterations to a rowhouse at 890 Park Avenue in the Upper East Side Historic District. The Queen Anne-style brownstone was built in 1885 and designed by James … <Read More>

Land Use Committee Approves New Two-Lot Wide Building on Controversial Site

Developers spent months engaging local representatives and neighborhood residents to garner their approval before formally initiating ULURP process.  On January 28, 2016, the City Council Land Use Committee unanimously approved an application to construct a mixed-use building at 146–150 Wooster Street, located in Manhattan’s landmarked SoHo Cast-Iron Historic District.  150 Wooster LLC, the project developer and subsidiary of KUB real estate investment and design firm, is the second owner to attempt to build a … <Read More>