Governor Cuomo Extends Eviction Moratorium Through August

Advocates and industry leaders calling for more protections and more action from Governor. On May 7, 2020, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order No. 202.28, extending the eviction moratorium through August 20, 2020. The moratorium prevents the filing of eviction proceedings against both residential and commercial tenants. The original eviction moratorium, came by way of Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks on March 15, 2020, and was reinforced by Governor Cuomo’s Executive <Read More>

Council Passes Legislation to Protect Not-For-Profits from Tax Lien Sales

Council backs not-for-profit sector with new legislation. On March 29, 2020, Local Law 42 of 2020 was adopted by the City without the Mayor signing it following unanimous City Council approval.  Local Law 42 was originally introduced as Int. No 245-of 2018 by Council Member Antonio Reynoso and was later amended twice. The new law creates an exemption for City tax lien sales of properties owned by not-for-profit organizations. The law also creates a not-for-profit … <Read More>

Landmarks Will Hold Public Hearings and Meetings Virtually

The decision to hold virtual hearings and meetings is in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.  On April 21, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission will begin holding virtual public hearings and meetings. Landmarks will be holding its hearings and meetings through Zoom, a video-conferencing application. Public hearings and meetings will also be live-streamed for the public on YouTube.

Citywide Policy Adjustments Made by Agencies and Industries Responsible for Housing

COVID-19 outbreak has forced NYCHA and DHS to take extra precaution. Throughout the City and State, agencies and industries responsible for housing individuals, are taking measures and adopting policies to address the COVID-19 health crisis. The policies and measures generally focus on preventing the spread of disease, isolating infected individuals and answering questions on how compromised services would operate. In the hospitality industry many have also implemented policies regarding the refunds and the cancellation of … <Read More>

NYCEDC Announces Community Outreach Phase of Hunts Point Redevelopment Plan

The New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) selected a team at the Pratt Center for Community Development to facilitate community outreach for a plan to redevelop Hunts Point. Starting this spring, NYCEDC and the Pratt Center for Community Development will host public workshops and meetings for the Hunts Point community as part of its engagement plan. Over the next 18 months, residents and businesses will share their opinions on the current state of Hunts … <Read More>

Council Enacts Additional Laws Related to Cooling Tower Enforcement

The additional bills should help the public and City administration react in the fight against Legionnaire’s disease. On March 28, 2019, the City Council approved Int. No 1158, 1149-B, 1164-A and 1166-A, a package of bills regarding the maintenance and inspection of cooling towers. The bills assist in the implementation and enforcement of Local Law 77 of 2015, which was enacted in response to an outbreak of Legionnaire’s disease. The bills respectively address public information … <Read More>