Early tort law was heavily weighted towards injuries that involved train accidents. Here in the New York City metropolitan region with its huge dependence on rail transport, the older typical nineteenth century tort claims and defenses continue for injuries caused by subways, commuter lines and train equipment.
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
MTA Faces Adverse Possession Claim
Business owner claimed adverse possession of land sought by the MTA for substation. The MTA ordered Staten Island business owner Ettore Mazzei to vacate an undeveloped lot adjacent to the Staten Island Railway transit line. Mazzei claimed ownership by adverse possession of the 5,000-square-foot lot next to his 701 Bay Street building. Mazzei sued the MTA, Staten Island Railway, and the City to establish title to the lot he has used as a parking lot … <Read More>
Court Vacates BSA Denial of Advertising Sign Registration
Court ruled the signs were not under City jurisdiction. On March 26, 2012 the Department of Buildings issued Notice of Sign Registration Rejection letters denying registration for twenty-one advertising signs owned by CBS Outdoor Inc. The Department based its rejection on the signs being too close to an arterial highway, in violation of the City Zoning Resolution. On January 29, 2013 the Board of Standards and Appeals upheld the rejection. CBS Outdoor, joined by the … <Read More>
Center for New York City Law Breakfast: Thomas Prendergast
The Center for New York City Law cordially invites you to a City Law Breakfast
Thomas Prendergast
Chairman and CEO, Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Council Subcommittee Hears Proposal for SoHo Six-Story Commercial Building [Update: Committee approves with modifications]
Developers seek permission for three floors of retail over community objections. On September 16, 2014, the New York City Council Subcommittee on Zoning and Franchises held a public hearing on a proposed six-story commercial building at 19 East Houston Street in the SoHo Cast Iron Historic District of Manhattan, between Broadway and Crosby Street. The lot was incorporated into the Historic District after the Landmarks Preservation Commission expanded the … <Read More>
Richard Ravitch: “So Much to Do” (Public Affairs 2014)
Richard Ravitch in his book So Much to Do states two “stubborn facts” about public transportation: public transit costs more than what private markets can provide, and “public” in public transit means politics. Ravitch ‘s readable book tells how for 50 years he has successfully helped political leaders bridge these stubborn facts of public promises and public revenues.