[Update] Bowery Mission Considered for Landmarks Status

Broad support for landmarking one of the country’s oldest extant Christian missions. On June 12, 2012, Landmarks held a public hearing to consider designating the Bowery Mission at 227 Bowery in Manhattan’s Lower East Side as an individual landmark. The red brick neo-Grec store-and-loft building was constructed in 1876 for use by an undertaker. The Bowery Mission relocated to the building in 1909 after its former home at 55 Bowery was demolished to accommodate … <Read More>

[Update] Two Hotels in Midtown Designated as Individual Landmarks

Turn-of-the-century residential hotels, which served rising professional class, among City’s newest landmarks. On June 12, 2012, Landmarks voted to designate two Midtown hotels constructed in the early 20th century as individual landmarks. The Beaux-Arts Hotel Mansfield is located at 12 West 44th Street, and the Renaissance Revival Martha Washington Hotel is located at 30 East 30th Street.

The 12-story Hotel Mansfield is on the same block as several other individual landmarks, including … <Read More>

Print this Issue of CityLand: Printer Friendly PDF Uploaded

Print this issue of CityLand on your color printer and you will be able to enjoy the June issue of CityLand just as you have enjoyed the monthly printed CityLand issues over the past eight years. The pdf issue contains the articles and images uploaded in May, as well as the familiar charts from CityLand that comprehensively recount the prior month’s land use activity.

The new web format enabled CityLand to be far more current … <Read More>

New Filings and Decisions Charts for June 2012 Uploaded

Every month CityLand publishes a comprehensive set of charts to track applications to, and decisions from, New York City’s land use agencies. Agencies covered include: Department of City Planning, City Planning Commission, City Council, Board of Standards & Appeals, and Landmarks Preservation Commission.

CityLand tracks these applications through the review process to a final decision. The majority of these decisions are available on the Center for New York City Law’s CityAdmin database (found at www.CityAdmin.org<Read More>

Livery Cab Law Dealt Judicial Blow

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg’s plan to grant livery cabs the right to accept street hails was derailed on June 1, 2012, when New York State Judge Arthur Engoron invoked the home rule clause of the State constitution and enjoined the City from implementing the State law passed in 2011. The State law would have allowed 30,000 liveries to accept street hails, a right currently enjoyed only by yellow cabs. Advocates for the law claimed that … <Read More>

Large Rezoning in Queens Awaits City Council Review

Contextual rezoning would impact 229 blocks south of Forest Park in Woodhaven and Richmond Hill. On May 23, 2012, the City Planning Commission approved the Department of City Planning’s Woodhaven – Richmond Hill Rezoning proposal. The contextual rezoning would impact 229 blocks along Jamaica and Atlantic Avenues south of Forest Park in Queens. The portion of Woodhaven impacted by the plan is generally bounded by Park Lane South to the north, Jamaica and … <Read More>