Proposed Zoning Changes Cut Remnants of Cabaret Law “Foot” Loose

On Wednesday, June 1, Mayor Eric Adams announced his plans for three citywide zoning text amendments aimed to bolster small businesses, expand affordable housing, and reduce carbon usage in the interest of sustainability. The first of these, “Zoning for Economic Opportunity,” aims to remove red tape for small businesses and includes removing restrictions on dancing that survived the Cabaret Law’s repeal.

Mayor Announces Proposed Zoning Changes to Affordable Housing, Small Business Restrictions and Sustainability

The zoning text amendments are in development and will be drafted with input from stakeholders before undergoing public review later this year. On June 1, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced a plan for a series of new zoning text amendments and programs aimed at removing obstacles for the recovery of small businesses, increased affordable housing, and the expansion of green technology to promote sustainability. The three zoning text amendments – the Zoning for Economic Opportunity, … <Read More>

Conflicts Board Adopts New Rules on Post-Employment Restrictions and Gifts

On October 8, 2020, the Conflicts of Interest Board adopted new and important changes to its post-employment rules that restrict former City employees from contacting their former City agencies. The Board, in addition, on May 21, 2021, adopted rules relating to the acceptance of gifts by City employees in certain recurring situations. This article examines these new rules.

City Planning Proposes Homeowner-Friendly Zoning Rules for Staten Island Neighborhoods

The changes allow homeowners to bypass the lengthy review process for certain types of projects. On July 2, 2020, the Department of City Planning announced new proposed zoning rules for some Staten Island neighborhoods that make zoning rules more efficient and homeowner-friendly, and that reflect recent advances in environmental science.

Eviction Notice Ruled Deficient

Landlord of 2013 Amsterdam Avenue served a notice of termination on disabled tenant, after the tenant engaged in a series of housing code violations. After a series of incidents, including causing instances of flooding and refusing to allow the landlord access to effect repairs, 2013 Amsterdam Avenue Housing Association served the notice of termination on its tenant Darren King. King is a paraplegic, wheelchair-bound, double-amputee.