City Reveals Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan to Bring Affordable Housing and Open Space to Central Brooklyn

On September 7, 2023, the New York City Mayor’s Office and New York City Department of City Planning released plans for new affordable senior homes and a revamp of St. Andrew’s Playground in Central Brooklyn. The departments’ objective was to further their ‘Atlantic Avenue Mixed-Use Plan’ by building in a zone of Brooklyn that has been stifled by restrictive zoning regulations.

EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: 189th CityLaw Breakfast with Dan Garodnick, Director of the Dept. of City Planning – Fri. 10/6

New York Law School

and Professor Ross Sandler, Director

cordially invite you to the 189th CityLaw Breakfast

Featuring Speaker

Dan Garodnick, Director of the Department of City Planning and Chair of the City Planning Commission

Speaking on:

Building a City of Yes

Date: Friday, October 6, 2023

Time: 8:15 AM – Speaker begins 8:30 AM

Place: Events Center, New York Law School