UPDATED: CPC Holds Public Hearing on Manufacturing and Residential Mixed-Use Development in Brownsville

The project is a partnership between a mental health and housing non-profit and a manufacturing real estate non-profit. On October 7, 2020, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for a mixed use-manufacturing and affordable housing development at 803 Rockaway Avenue in Brownsville, Brooklyn. The rezoning area covers nine lots on the block bounded by Riverdale Avenue to the north, Newport Avenue to the south, Rockaway Avenue to the west and Thatford Avenue to … <Read More>

City Awards Nonprofits Over $200,000 to Help People with Disabilities Access Affordable Housing

On August 17, 2020, The New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development, along with Citi Community Development and Investment, awarded nine community-based organizations over $200,000 to help disabled New Yorkers apply for affordable housing. This assistance is provided through the Department’s Housing Ambassador Program, which connects nearly two million users on Housing Connect with community organizations that assist with the housing application process.

City Announces Play Streets Initiative and Open Streets Changes

The Open Streets and the new Play Streets initiatives encourage New Yorkers to go outside. On July 24, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Play Streets, an initiative provided by the City, the Fresh Air Fund, Building Healthy Communities, and the Police Athletic League to provide children with fun, socially-distant outdoor activities on twelve Open Streets throughout the City. The Open Streets initiative provides more outdoor space for pedestrians and cyclists by limiting vehicular traffic … <Read More>

NYC Community Boards Adapt to Virtual Operations

Community Boards working to stay optimistic through adversity. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo shut down non-essential business throughout the state. The order effectively hamstrung the physical operation of many governmental and administrative offices. Community Boards, the closest representative body of a City district, have generally completed their many responsibilities through public assembly. Responsibilities include land use and zoning review, and other general community concerns such as traffic or deteriorating … <Read More>

City Planning Approves Borough Based Jail Application

Borough based jail proposal moves to City Council. On September 3, 2019, the City Planning Commission approved the Department of Corrections, the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice, and the Department of Citywide Administrative Services’ application for a special permit to create a borough-based jail system with modifications. The application passed by a 9-3 vote with Commissioners Alfred C. Cerullo III, Orlando Marin and Raj Ramphershad voting against the proposal.