Mayor Reveals Task Force Recommendations to Convert Underused Office Space to Housing

On January 9, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams announced a set of recommendations from the Office Adaptive Reuse Task Force for changes to state laws and city zoning requirements to make it easier for the conversion of underused office space to housing. The COVID-19 pandemic transformed how many companies operate, transitioning to work-from-home or hybrid structures that require less office space, while the city experiences an ongoing affordable housing crisis.

Mayor Appoints New Board of Standards and Appeals Chair and Vice Chair

On December 30, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced the appointment of Shampa Chanda as the new Chair of the Board of Standards and Appeals (BSA) and Salvatore Scibetta as the new Vice Chair. The Board of Standards and Appeals hears individual applications for exceptions and changes to zoning regulations that may overly restrict specific properties where a broader change to the zoning text and map is unnecessary. 

DOB Launches Winter Construction Safety Campaign

The campaign follows four tragic fatalities on construction sites between November and December 2022. On December 28, 2022, Department of Buildings Acting Commissioner Kazimir Vilenchik announced the launch of a new winter construction safety campaign. The safety campaign aims to highlight potential dangers for serious injuries and fatalities on work sites. The campaign follows a series of four tragic instances of worker fatalities on sites in November and December.

New York is Sticking to its Guns by Prohibiting Firearms in Times Square

Times Square’s “gun-free” status remains a contentious issue in the face of legal challenges, but the City is determined to forge ahead. Earlier this summer, the United States Supreme Court struck down New York’s concealed carry permitting requirements, which has resulted in an ongoing legal battle as the city and state try to find a balance between constitutional rights and public safety.