Atlantic Shorefront Projects Will Strengthen Rockaway Peninsula

The project is expected to cost $366 million and will take four years to complete. On October 29, 2020, on the 8th Anniversary of Hurricane Sandy, Mayor Bill de Blasio, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Colonel Matthew W. Luzzatto announced the Atlantic Shorefront Project. This project will protect communities and strengthen the shoreline along six miles of the Rockaway Peninsula. The Atlantic Shorefront component is the first of two U.S. … <Read More>

New Pier Opens in Hudson River Park

Pier 26 was a $37.7 million project and is the first pier to be opened in over a decade. On September 30, 2020, the Hudson River Park Trust opened Pier 26, an ecological-themed pier located in Tribeca between Hubert Street and North Moore Street and west of the West Side Highway. The Pier is an open outdoor space for New Yorkers as the city recovers from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In 2013, the pier’s infrastructure … <Read More>

City Comptroller Aims to Stop Astoria Fuel-Powered Peaker Plant

Comptroller Stringer sent the letter in opposition to the Astoria Replacement Project because of the project’s reliance on fracked gas. On September 4, 2020, New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer sent a letter to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Division of Environmental Permits urging the DEC to review the NRG Energy’s Astoria Replacement Project. Comptroller Stringer raised concerns about the project due to the wellbeing and of Astoria residents and the … <Read More>

DEP Announces Construction of Stormwater Collection System in Westchester County

City prioritizes safe drinking water with infrastructure investment. On July 23, 2020, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection announced that during the first week of August, construction of a stormwater collection system near the Cross River Reservoir would commence. The stormwater collection system is intended to enhance reservoir protections by capturing runoff, sediment and nutrients from a 9.3-acre drainage area in the town of Bedford. The venture is projected to cost nearly $1.1 … <Read More>

Upgraded Storm Sewers to be Installed in Richmond, Staten Island

The project aims to relieve street flooding in the neighborhood. On July 9, the NYC Department of Environmental Protection and the NYC Department of Design and Construction announced a $6 million project to upgrade storm sewer infrastructure in the neighborhood of Richmond, Staten Island. The project began in January 2020, and is scheduled to be completed during the summer of 2021.

City to Build New Drinking Water Connection to City Island

The $24 million project will improve water access for over 4,500 residents. On March 3, 2020, the Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Design and Construction announced the beginning of a project to upgrade the drinking water supply connection to City Island in the Bronx.