Rendering of 1019 Fulton Street. Image credit: CPC.
Vacant land to be improved with mixed-use building. On May 23, 2018, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on a mixed-use project on 1019 Fulton Street in Brooklyn by the applicant team led by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development in a public-private partnership with Fulton Star LLC. The project will bring 50 mixed-income rental units to the Clinton Hill area with 15 of those units as permanently affordable. The project will also allow for ground floor commercial use.
The building will be eight-stories and 6,094 square feet of ground floor commercial retail space. The project site is located on City- and privately-owned land that has been vacant for about 20 years. The project site sits along Fulton Street between Grand Ave to its right and Downing Street to its left. The project site is walking distance from the Clinton-Washington Avenue C train station and the Franklin Ave C/S train station. The entrance to the residential space will be on the corner of Fulton Street and Downing Street.
HPD and Fulton Star LLC formed the public-private partnership for this project allowing for their separately-owned lots to be combined and maximize the number of units for the project. The project site is located in a Voluntary Inclusionary Housing area which allows the developer to build on its land as of right and provide no affordable housing. However, including the City-owned land provides for a much better development. The partnership will include a voluntary inclusionary housing regulatory agreement for the ten units that are at 80% AMI and below and a separate land disposition agreement between HPD and Fulton Star LLC for the five units at 120% AMI to be restricted permanently.
The building will have 50,121 square feet of floor area. The residential amenities include laundry rooms of each residential floor, recreation room in the cellar accessible to tenants, outdoor patio space on the roofs, and 25 spaces for residential bicycle storage in the cellar.
The project will be 100% privately financed with 30% or 15 of the dwelling units as permanently affordable. The affordability levels for the 15 permanently affordable units include: five units at 70% AMI, five units at 80% AMI, and five units at 120% AMI. The 2016 AMI for the Clinton Hill District was $81,000. Rents for these 15 units range from $1,027 to $2,741.
Brooklyn Community Board 2 and Borough President Eric Adams both recommended approval of the project with conditions. The conditions included that local retail ground floor uses works closely with Fulton Area Business Alliance, sustainability measures focus on an energy efficient façade and building envelope, that the applicant hires local and Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises for subcontractors and trades, and that the applicant partners with IMPACCT Brooklyn for marketing and leasing of affordable housing units. The applicant agreed to incorporate these recommendations to the project.
By: Dorichel Rodriguez (Dorichel is the CityLaw Fellow and an NYLS Graduate, Class of 2017.)
if i earn 49,350 a year what AMI does that fall in,and why there hardly these incomes in these affordable housing,and if you do see them its always just a few units,3 or 5