Commission approves 75-block rezoning despite some opposition. On June 21, 2006, the Planning Commission approved City Planning’s rezoning proposal for portions of 75 blocks of Pelham Parkway and Indian Village, two northeastern Bronx communities characterized by low density residential development. The proposal would reduce the permitted density of development on 67 blocks and increase the permitted density of residential construction on 8 blocks along Williamsbridge Road and Pelham Parkway South. On the six lots along Williamsbridge Road to be up-zoned, Planning proposed to map the newly created R5D district, which allows all types of residential development but limits the scale of development by setting a 40-foot height limit and more restrictive parking requirements.
Nine residents and Council Member James Vacca testified in opposition to the rezoning at the Planning Commission’s public hearing due to Planning’s proposal to up-zone six lots along Williamsbridge Road. The opposition told the Commision that the up-zoning would only increase the area’s traffic problems.
The Planning Commission approved the rezoning without modification, emphasizing that the increase in permitted density along Williamsbridge Road would equal 30 units of new development. The Commission noted that the new units would be more than offset by the decrease in permitted density throughout the remaining 67 blocks of the rezoning area.
If approved by the City Council, the rezoning would cover an area roughly bounded by Pelham Parkway South to the north, Rhinelander, Bronxdale and Morris Park Avenues to the south, and Stillwell Avenue and the Esplanade to the east and west.
ULURP Process
Lead Agency: CPC,Neg.Dec.
Comm.Bd.: BX 11, App’d, 34-0-1
Boro. President: App’d
Council: pending
CPC: Pelham Parkway/Indian Village Rezoning (C 060335 ZMX –map amendment) (June 21, 2006). CITYADMIN