Judge Kaye’s Vision for Consolidation and Simplification of the Trial Courts

Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye, who passed away at age 77 on January 6, 2016, left us some unfinished business to do: court reform. In 1998 Judge Kaye lobbied for a constitutional amendment that would have consolidated and simplified the New York trial court system. She hoped to get the legislative approval for a constitutional amendment and the required referendum during the 1998 and 1999 legislative sessions, followed by a vote on the referendum at … <Read More>

Remembering Judge Judith S. Kaye

We at New York Law School mourn Judith S. Kaye who passed away at age 77 on January 6. 2016.  Judge Kaye spoke three times at New York Law School’s CityLaw Breakfasts. In those talks she shared her passion for challenges that mattered to her: court reform and juvenile justice.The Center for New York City Law was fortunate to have taped her remarks. To get a sense of her intelligence and capacity to move people … <Read More>

Thank You To All Our Financial Supporters!


The staff of the Center for New York City Law thanks all of our loyal 2015 financial supporters! We are grateful for your contributions to our publications and programs.

There is still time to make a donation to our Center, please click HERE to make a donation online.  We also accept checks and Visa (by calling 212-431-2855). Payments should be made to New York Law School, 185 West Broadway, NY NY 10013. Attn: Center for … <Read More>