Governor Cuomo Extends COVID-related Eviction Moratorium Until January 1, 2021

The State has taken several actions to protect residential and commercial tenants. On September 28, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that the statewide moratorium on COVID-19 related residential evictions will be extended through January 1, 2021. The moratorium has been in effect since March 20th and has been extended multiple times.

Mapping the New Senate, Assembly & Congressional Districts

New York State in 2021 must redraw the State’s senate, assembly and congressional districts. The process will be different from the process used to draw legislative and congressional district lines in the past. Previously, the State legislature redrew the districts for its own members and for the State’s congressional members.  After years of efforts to reform a process seen as too self-interested, New York State voters in 2014 approved an amendment to the State constitution … <Read More>

UPDATED: Mayor’s Office Outlines Further Guidance as City Enters Phase One Reopening

Starting June 8th, retail, manufacturing, construction and other industries can resume operations with restrictions. On May 28, 2020, Mayor Bill de Blasio laid out the additional guidance for industries that will be allowed to reopen under Phase One of the State’s reopening plan, NY Forward. While other parts of the state have already been allowed to reopen, New York City has remained shut down to reduce the spread of COVID-19. As the number of … <Read More>

Governor Cuomo Extends Eviction Moratorium Through August

Advocates and industry leaders calling for more protections and more action from Governor. On May 7, 2020, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo issued Executive Order No. 202.28, extending the eviction moratorium through August 20, 2020. The moratorium prevents the filing of eviction proceedings against both residential and commercial tenants. The original eviction moratorium, came by way of Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks on March 15, 2020, and was reinforced by Governor Cuomo’s Executive <Read More>