Thank You – Center for New York City Law Honor Roll 2022-2023

The Center for New York City Law is approaching its 30th anniversary and we could not be more grateful and proud to share the Honor Roll listing the names of the people who have financially supported the Center for New York City Law in 2022-2023. Without your generous and loyal support, the Center for New York City Law could not sustain its civic programs and publications. We are indebted to you and thank you.

Many … <Read More>

City Planning Announces Start of Public Engagement for Midtown South Mixed-Use Plan

On October 3, 2023, the Department of City Planning (DCP) announced the launch of an online survey and the first remote meeting for the Midtown South Mixed-Use Plan. The Plan was created to support mixed-use neighborhoods across the 42 blocks of Midtown South where housing is not currently permitted. On Tuesday, October 17 at 7pm, a remote public information session will be held and will offer New Yorkers the opportunity to learn about Midtown South’s … <Read More>

City Releases Details for “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity” Zoning Text Amendment

On September 21, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams released the details for his “City of Yes for Housing Opportunity” proposal. The proposal aims to increase the development of and access to affordable housing throughout New York City through changes to the City’s zoning code. The Mayor’s Office touts that the initiative could add 10,000 homes to expected housing production over the next 15 years, create 260,000 temporary and 6,300 permanent jobs, and provide $58.2 billion in … <Read More>