Mayor Eric Adams Releases Blueprint for Housing and Homelessness

Mayor Adams Addresses the Issue of Affordable Housing and Works Towards Building More Affordable Housing. On June 14, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams released Housing Our Neighbors: A Blueprint for Housing and Homelessness, his administration’s plan to address New York City’s affordable housing crisis. The Blueprint discusses making the City a welcoming and homely place where people can stay and grow together as a family by creating housing that is available and affordable for people … <Read More>

Changes to Open Meetings Law Enable Hybrid Meetings But Present Ongoing Challenges

Community boards often do not have the same resources as City agencies to have hybrid hearings. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic resulted in many changes on how state and city governments conducted business, including public hearings. New York’s Open Meetings Law was originally designed to promote transparency, requiring hearings to be held in person and open to the public, with notice about how to participate. After meetings went virtual due to the pandemic, discussions began about <Read More>

CIty Council Votes to Require NYCHA to Report Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The bill furthers the City’s goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions citywide. On August 26, 2021, the City Council voted to approve a bill that requires the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) to report the greenhouse gas emissions for NYCHA’s buildings. Int. 2283-A, sponsored by Council Member Helen Rosenthal, aims to promote transparency and further the City’s goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions citywide. The bill helps strengthen the efforts to reduce greenhouse gas <Read More>