Landmarks considers West Chelsea District

Proposed West Chelsea Historic District. Image: LPC.

New York Terminal Central Stores, Real Estate Board, and Cedar Lake Ballet testified against proposed designation. On May 13, 2008, Landmarks heard testimony on a proposal to designate a seven-block portion of West Chelsea as a historic district.

Located between West 25th and West 28th Streets, from the West Side Highway to Tenth Avenue, the proposed West Chelsea Historic District would protect brick industrial buildings dating as far … <Read More>

Expansion of NoHo Historic District approved

Landmarks declines to exempt Metro Sixteen Hotel from district. On May 13, 2008, Landmarks voted unanimously to designate the NoHo Historic District Extension, increasing the number of protected buildings from 167 to 223. The extension is bounded by Lafayette Street to the west, Bowery to the east, East 4th Street to the north, and Bond Street to the south.

The extension includes a historically commercial neighborhood characterized by mid-19th century loft buildings and tenements built … <Read More>

New Mixed-Use Bldg. in SoHo-Cast Iron HD Approved

Arpad Baksa-designed, six-story building to be located within corridor between historic Broome and Wooster Streets. On May 7, 2008, the City Planning Commission approved Rocksprings Management Company’s proposal to build a six-story, 12,498-square-foot residential building, with ground-floor retail, at 52 Wooster Street.

Currently, a ten-space parking lot occupies the site, which is located in the SoHo-Cast Iron Historic District on the corner of Broome and Wooster Streets. Surrounding the site are five- and six-story … <Read More>

Kenneth K. Fisher Shares His Insights on Term Limits, Land Use Law, and Government

Kenneth K. Fisher was born into a political family. The son of Harold Fisher, the former Chairman of the MTA, Fisher “didn’t grow up playing golf or tennis” but rather “handing out flyers” at every election for as long as he can remember. In fact, his earliest memories consist of “campaigning for Hugh Carey and John F. Kennedy.”

After attaining his law degree from Syracuse University, Fisher joined the New York State Energy Research and … <Read More>

John Belle and Richard Southwick on 40 Years of Practicing Before Landmarks

Fresh from a business trip in Europe, John Belle, founding partner of Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners LLP, and Richard Southwick, partner and director of the firm’s preservation department, recently sat down for an afternoon with CityLand. Joined by Olivia, Belle’s mild-mannered golden retriever, the two architects discussed the City’s Landmarks Preservation Commission and the impact of preservation on land use.

Self-described as “one of those immigrants,” Belle was born in Cardiff, Wales, … <Read More>

City sues to save landmarked apt. bldg.

Lawsuit intended to keep 19th century landmark from falling into a state of disrepair. In 2005, Landmarks designated the Windermere Apartments, three buildings located on West 57th Street and Ninth Avenue, in order to preserve its Queen Anne-style architecture and to recognize its storied history as a residence for young, self-supporting women entering the workforce in the mid-1800s. The owners claimed that the buildings were in an “unsafe condition” and did not warrant designation; preservation … <Read More>