Kingsland Homestead Image Credit; Queens Historical Society
Landmark’s works to make sure Kingsland Homestead’s designation is accurate. On May 19, 2020, the Landmarks Preservation Commission voted to calendar a proposed amendment that would update Kingsland Homestead’s landmark designation to its current location. Kingsland Homestead was built in 1785 on tract of land located near Block 5270 in Flushing, Queens. In 1965, the two-story home was designated as a landmark at 40-25 155th Street in Flushing. Shortly after, in 1968, Landmarks approved a Certificate of Appropriateness to move the landmark to its current Weeping Beech Park location. This amendment would update the landmark designation to 143-35 37th Avenue, the Weeping Beech Park address in Flushing. Timothy Frye, Director of Special Projects and Strategic Planning, presented the application to the commission.
The Kingsland Homestead is a wooden two-story building with a basement, an attic and is Flushing’s second oldest house. The house is built in a Dutch Colonial Style and is a rare example of a house that was once common on western Long Island. Both Dutch and English styles are reflected in the central chimney, the gambrel roof with round-headed and quadrant windows, the divided front door and three windows on the second floor. According to the designation report the “Kingsland Homestead has a special significance today as an example of a middle-sized house of the Revolutionary period which was typical of its locality then and which is unique in that community.”
The Kingsland Homestead is named after Captain Joseph King, whom bought the farm from his father-in law in 1801. King was a sea merchant and commercial farmer, whom unlike his father-in-law, refused to use slave labor. In 1926, Kingsland moved a few hundred feet south on the property so the property could be subdivided and seven luxury brick rowhouses could be built. In 1965, threatened by the development of a shopping center and new houses, the historic home become one of the first New York City Landmarks. Continuing fears prompted Kingsland Homestead’s move to its current location at Weeping Beech Park in 1968. Kingsland Homestead is currently used as a public museum, is headquarters to the Queens Historical Society and is managed by the Park’s Department.
The hearing is calendared for the near future.
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By: Jason Rogovich (Jason Rogovich is the CityLaw Fellow and New York Law School Graduate, Class of 2019)