Department of Design and Construction Logo Image Credit: DDC
Design-build teams have already been selected to handle the demolition of structures on the current sites. On December 29, 2021, the Department of Design and Construction announced that six teams have been approved to develop detailed proposals for the design and construction of four smaller borough-based jails in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, and the Bronx. The borough-based jails project aims to replace the facilities on Rikers Island permanently with smaller jails that will allow for populations to remain closer to families, community, and legal representation. The jails will be built through the design-build model where the firm provides both design and construction services. For CityLand’s prior coverage of the borough-based jails project, click here.
Each of the six teams submitted a Statement of Qualifications to work on the project, which were evaluated based on the firms’ experience, financial capacity, past performance, and design-build approach. The City will issue a Request for Proposal (RPFs) for each site, which will allow each firm to detail plans about their approach to the design and construction of the facility. The following firms will create RFPs:
Manhattan: A sole respondent has been selected for the Manhattan site, through a joint venture between the Gilbane Building Company and the Alberici Corporation. The final RFP is due in fall 2022, and after a review of the RFP and contract negotiation, design and construction will begin late 2023.
Queens: An RFP will be issued to a sole respondent, the Leon D. DeMatteis Construction Corp in summer 2022. The project is expected to get underway in spring 2023.
Brooklyn: Two firms will compete for the Brooklyn facility. RFPs will be issued to a joint venture between Lend Lease Corporation and Halmar International, and another to Tutor Perini Corporation. The project is slated to begin in winter 2022/2023.
The Bronx: Two teams will compete for the Bronx facility. Transformative Reform Group LLC, led by SLSCO and Sciame Construction, and Cauldwell Wingate 2022 Company, LLC will receive RFPs in summer 2022. When a team is selected, the project will commence in summer 2023.
Teams that are not selected will receive a stipend for their time and resources dedicated to creating an RFP.
Throughout the RFP process, work will already begin at each of the four sites. At the Queens site, work has already begun for the attached parking garage and community space. At the Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens sites, design-build teams will demolish the existing facilities and build temporary “swing spaces” to accommodate the transfers of detainees for court appearances. The Bronx site is the location of the former Lincoln Hospital; a design-build team will be removing debris and performing environmental testing to prepare the site for future construction.
Acting DDC Commissioner Tom Foley stated, “We had an exceptional response from the industry given the size and scope of this program. The response gives us further confidence that we will be able to deliver on the promise of a more humane justice system for New York City, on-time and on-budget. We were particularly impressed with the teams’ commitment to the values and goals of the Borough Based Jails program.”
Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice Director Marcos Soler stated, “The City’s commitment to closing Rikers Island permanently has never wavered. This crucial step in the construction process is a testament to the hard work, determination, and professional focus of the Borough Based Jail team. Soon New Yorkers will see active construction work throughout the City as we move ever-closer towards a new, improved justice system for all.”
By: Veronica Rose (Veronica is the CityLaw fellow and a New York Law School graduate, Class of 2018.)