The new POPS logo designed by Emma Reed. Image Credit: NYC DCP
The winning logo was chosen from 607 submitted designs from around the world. On May 20, 2019, the Department of City Planning, the Advocates for Privately Owned Public Space and the Municipal Art Society of New York unveiled the new NYC POPS logo, which will be displayed at all 550 POPS locations across the city.
‘POPS’ stands for “privately owned public spaces”. These spaces are developed, owned, and maintained by private property owners and are open to the public at no cost to the City. The POPS program has created almost 3.8 million square feet of additional public space in the city. Some POPS are located outdoors and some are located inside; however, all POPS locations will now have signage featuring the new logo to indicate that the space is open for public use. The signage will also indicate the hours open, the amenities provided, and how to register a complaint about a POPS.
A zoning text amendment will be introduced at today’s City Planning Commission meeting to codify the new logo and signage. The zoning text amendment will also allow tables and chairs to be placed in POPS where previous old regulations did not permit them.
The Department of City Planning held a contest to design the new logo. City Planning received 607 logo designs from designers all around the world. All 607 designs were displayed at a public gallery in March. Members of the public were welcome to vote on their favorite design. The public vote, in addition to a seven-person panel led to the selection of three awardees who each received $2,000 as well as two honorable mentions. The awardee designs and honorable mentions can be seen here.
The winning logo was designed by Emma Reed, a graphic designer in New York City. Her design features three chairs turned partially toward each other, inviting New Yorkers to “have a seat” at any POPS location. Reed, as the design winner, will receive an additional $2,000.
Reed stated, “I’m so honored to have my design chosen as New York City’s new Privately-Owned Public Spaces logo. I’ve spent many of my lunch hours in a POPS in lower Manhattan which, in part, inspired me to submit a design!”
City Planning Chair Marisa Lago stated, “We challenged folks around the globe to design a logo for New York City’s beloved POPS – and the public responded with amazing creativity. There were so many incredible designs that it was hard to choose. But, the happy, almost-dancing, chairs of this logo bring a smile to your face, and say ‘Welcome!’”
Jerold Kayden, the President of Advocates for Privately Owned Public Space, stated, “It was fascinating to see what 607 creators sought to communicate through their logos. The thread connecting the winning chair logo and many others was simple: POPS are for people.”
Elizabeth Goldstein, the President of the Municipal Art Society, stated, “This new logo will serve as a beacon, inviting New Yorkers to take a break from the bustle of everyday life. POPS offer more than 80 acres of open space in some of the densest neighborhoods of the city and ‘Have a Seat’ will help ensure that passersby feel welcome to enjoy them.”
The Department of City Planning has also released an interactive map of all POPS across New York City, which can be found here. For more information about the POPS program, click here.
By: Veronica Rose (Veronica is the CityLaw Fellow and a New York Law School Graduate, Class of 2018.)