DEP Completes Drainage Upgrades at Throggs Neck Houses in the Bronx

The drainage chambers capture nearly two million gallons of stormwater annually. On August 16, 2021, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) announced the completion of a drainage upgrade at the New York City Housing Authority’s (NYCHA) Throggs Neck Houses in the Bronx. The $1.3 million project will decrease flooding and overflows into the East River.

City Furthers Progress on Downtown Far Rockaway Reconstruction

The project will enhance economic opportunity for Queens residents and prevent future flooding. On August 2, 2021, the New York City Economic Development Corporation, and the Departments of Environmental Protection, Transportation, and Design and Construction announced the completion of Phase 1 of a $139 million project to revitalize Downtown Far Rockaway’s infrastructure. Phase 1 was completed ahead of schedule, 21 months after the project was first announced.

Flood Protection Measures Completed in Red Hook

The protection measures consist of barriers that are capable to be opened or closed to mitigate the effects of storm surge flooding. On August 3, 2021, the New York City Emergency Management Department and Department of Design and Construction announced the completion of Interim Flood Protection Measures at the Atlantic Basin in Red Hook.  The Interim Flood Protection Measures program began in 2016 to protect facilities, infrastructure, and low-lying areas all located in New York … <Read More>

NYC Mayoral Candidates Land Use Policy Recap

The Mayoral Election will help shape the City’s land use and housing policymaking decisions. Between now and June 20th, early voting is available for the NYC Primary, in which New Yorkers will help decide who will be the next Mayor of New York City. Over the course of their campaigns, mayoral candidates have developed and shared their positions on a variety of land use and housing issues including developing affordable housing, handling the eviction and <Read More>

City Installs New Sewer and Water Mains in Southeast Queens

The project was completed 5 months early and $2.7 million under budget and is a part of the $1.9 billion program to improve street and flooding conditions in southeast Queens. On June 2, 2021, the New York City Department of Environmental Protection announced that a $20.5 million project to upgrade infrastructure, improve street conditions, and alleviate flooding in Hollis and Queens Village had been completed.

City Releases Rainfall-Based Flooding Analysis for Flood Preparedness

Climate change is projected to have a dramatic effect on rainfall in New York City through 2100; the new plan provides projections for being prepared for these changes. On May 14, 2021, Mayor de Blasio released New York City’s Stormwater Resiliency Plan. The plan provides the City’s first city-wide flood analysis caused by rain which can cause flooding in any part of the city.