HPD Announces Bergen Green Affordable Housing Project in Latest 24 in 24 Push

On January 31, 2024, the New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) announced that Apex Building Group and Bridge Street Development Corporation will be building 116 homes for low-income families at 516 Bergen Street in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. The announcement comes in light of Mayor Adams’ push for affordable housing advancements on publicly owned land. Mayor Adam’s 24 in 24 plan is seeking to create or preserve around 12,000 units of housing <Read More>

DOT Releases Final Rules for Permanent Outdoor Dining Program

Almost two years after the City Planning Commission’s zoning text changes, applications for the permanent program are expected to open next month. On February 2, 2024, the Department of Transportation released the final rules for the permanent outdoor dining program, “Dining Out NYC.”  Through the new program, outdoor dining will be expanded citywide on sidewalks year-round and in roadways seasonally from April through November. 

DCP Announces New Zoning Relief Proposal for South Richmond Homeowners

On April 3, 2023, the New York City Department of City Planning announced its South Richmond Zoning Relief proposal after years of planning with Staten Island communities in the Special South Richmond Development District of the South Shore. The proposal will simplify the approval process for simple home projects that require zoning clearances, such as pool installations or other home improvements. The proposal will also enhance preservation efforts on larger land spaces and allow the … <Read More>

CPC Hears Application for Mixed-Use Building in Gravesend

The applicants are seeking an alternative rezoning after pushback from the community board. On February 1, 2023, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for a mixed-use development at 58 Nixon Court in Gravesend, Brooklyn. The current site consists of four vacant lots between Nixon Court and Shore Parkway. Coney Island Hospital is located across Ocean Parkway from the proposed site. The applicants are represented by Erik Palatnik.