City Council Passes Package of Fire Safety Related Bills in Response to Twin Parks Fire

The bills aim to prevent the circumstances that took 17 lives from occurring again in the future. On May 19, 2022, the City Council voted to approve a package of five bills to improve fire safety and prevention measures in residences as part of the City’s response to the tragic Twin Parks high-rise fire which killed 17 people in the Bronx this past January. The fire was a result of a space heater, and the <Read More>

First Design-Build Teams Selected, Construction to Soon Begin on Borough-Based Jails Project

These teams will prepare the site for construction and enable court operations to continue for the duration of construction. On November 30, 2021, the Department of Design and Construction announced that four separate teams had been selected to receive design-build contracts to prep the sites of the new Borough-Based Jails. The Borough Based Jails project will build smaller jails in Manhattan, the Bronx, Queens and Brooklyn to allow for the eventual closure of Rikers Island <Read More>

City Furthers Progress on Downtown Far Rockaway Reconstruction

The project will enhance economic opportunity for Queens residents and prevent future flooding. On August 2, 2021, the New York City Economic Development Corporation, and the Departments of Environmental Protection, Transportation, and Design and Construction announced the completion of Phase 1 of a $139 million project to revitalize Downtown Far Rockaway’s infrastructure. Phase 1 was completed ahead of schedule, 21 months after the project was first announced.

New Law Replaces Green Wooden Fences with Chain Link Fences at Construction Sites

The law will affect construction sites that have been stalled for over two years. On June 28, 2021, Local Law 74 was enacted by the NYC Council. The law which originated as Intro 1128 was introduced on September 26, 2018 by Council Member Robert Holden. The new law will amend the New York City Building Code by requiring the green fences that are in place at construction sites that have discontinued or stalled work for … <Read More>

Mayor Announces Start of Brooklyn Bridge Protected Bike Lanes Construction

The protected bike lane will provide safety from cars for cyclists and provide more room on the promenade for pedestrians. On June 21, 2021, the Department of Transportation will begin constructing protected bicycle lanes on the Brooklyn Bridge. The project will begin with removing the innermost Manhattan-bound vehicular lane and transforming it into a two-way protected bicycle lane. Currently, pedestrians and cyclists share access to the bridge on the bridge’s promenade. The two-lane promenade, only <Read More>

Penn Triangle Park Reconstruction Completed

The renovations include new play equipment and trees. On March 15, 2021, the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation and the Prospect Park Alliance announced the completion of the Penn Triangle reconstruction in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The project is a part of the Community Parks Initiative, which aims to create thriving equitable public places through the reconstruction of smaller local parks.