Zoning for Housing Opportunity Amendment Aims to Address City’s Housing Shortage

Still in its early stages, Mayor Adams’ proposed zoning text amendment aims to increase affordable housing in the city. On June 1, 2022, Mayor Adams announced his “City of Yes” plan consisting of three citywide zoning text amendments. One of these initiatives, “Zoning for Housing Opportunity,” addresses the city’s housing shortage. Although the text amendment has not yet been drafted, Mayor Adams listed four key housing proposals in his announcement.

Changes to Open Meetings Law Enable Hybrid Meetings But Present Ongoing Challenges

Community boards often do not have the same resources as City agencies to have hybrid hearings. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic resulted in many changes on how state and city governments conducted business, including public hearings. New York’s Open Meetings Law was originally designed to promote transparency, requiring hearings to be held in person and open to the public, with notice about how to participate. After meetings went virtual due to the pandemic, discussions began about <Read More>

Mayor Announces Proposed Zoning Changes to Affordable Housing, Small Business Restrictions and Sustainability

The zoning text amendments are in development and will be drafted with input from stakeholders before undergoing public review later this year. On June 1, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced a plan for a series of new zoning text amendments and programs aimed at removing obstacles for the recovery of small businesses, increased affordable housing, and the expansion of green technology to promote sustainability. The three zoning text amendments – the Zoning for Economic Opportunity, … <Read More>

Governor Announces Beginning of Construction of New Affordable Housing Development in Wakefield

The new building will be across the street from another affordable housing development recently approved by the City Planning Commission. On May 25, 2022, Governor Kathy Hochul announced the beginning of construction for a new affordable and supportive housing development in the Wakefield section of the Bronx. The Plains will be located at 4519 White Plains Road between East 239th and East 240th Street. The development team consists of the Doe Fund and Robert Sanborn <Read More>

Council Land Use Committee Approves New Building for Shelter and Supportive Housing in East Midtown

The new building will replace the existing shelter. On April 4, 2022, the City Council Committee on Land Use voted to approve the New Providence Redevelopment Project at 225 East 45th Street in East Midtown. The project consists of a new 21-story building and an emergency shelter that will replace the existing women’s shelter, which is currently retrofitted into two buildings. The proposed building can be constructed as-of-right, but still requires public review as … <Read More>

CPC Hears Application for Ten-Story Mixed Use Building in Greenpoint

The building will feature retail, commercial and residential uses to replace a manufacturing warehouse. On March 16, 2022, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing for an application that would facilitate the construction of a ten-story mixed use residential and commercial building at 840 Lorimer Street in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. The requested rezoning site is the six southernmost lots on the block with Nassau Avenue to the north, Manhattan Avenue to the east, Driggs Avenue <Read More>