City of Yes for Housing Opportunity Overview: City Celebrates Start of Public Review Process

On April 29, 2024, the City Planning Commission launched the public review process for the proposed City of Yes for Housing Opportunity text amendment. The text amendment is one of three City of Yes amendments aiming to remove or modify outdated provisions within the zoning text that inhibit economic growth, the ability for developers to build, and the implementation of green technology and infrastructure. 

Proposed City of Yes for Housing Opportunity Amendment to Help Faith-Based Orgs Build Affordable Housing

On March 22, 2024, Mayor Eric Adams announced details about the plan to assist faith-based organizations and other mission-based nonprofits to build affordable housing citywide. As part of the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity plan, the administration’s third proposed zoning text changes that will remove outdated and arbitrary language from the zoning text that will allow for the creation of more housing.

City Planning Approves Green Fast Track Rule to Expedite Some Environmentally-Friendly Housing Projects

On March 20, 2024, the City Planning Commission voted to approve the Green Fast Track for Housing rule, a new rule to reduce the cost and time to approve certain modest and eco-friendly buildings by exempting them from review under the State Environmental Quality Review or City Environmental Quality Review laws. State law permits city agencies to have the authority to propose new rules that can allow certain projects to undergo a more streamlined process.