City Announces New Investments in Traffic Safety and Accessibility Improvements

The plan follows additional commitments to improve safety and accessibility in 1,000 intersections citywide earlier this year. On April 23, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced a $904 million investment over the next five years in improving traffic safety and infrastructure. The investments will help advance the “NYC Streets Plan”, the five-year plan developed by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to improve street safety, quality and accessibility. 

Mayor Announces Appointments to New York City Districting Commission

The Commission will help with the redesign of the City Council district boundaries. On March 7, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced his seven appointees to the New York City Districting Commission. The Commission is responsible for redrawing council district boundaries as required every ten years by the City Charter following the national census. The redistricting helps the City Council reflect changes in demographics and population. 

HPD Announces Heightened Enforcement for 250 Buildings for Open Violations

The program requires owners to rectify most violations within a four month period or be subject to penalties and possible costs of repairs initiated by HPD. On March 1, 2022, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) announced 250 buildings will be placed in the City’s Alternative Enforcement Program, which heightens enforcement against distressed buildings with many violations.

Mayor Adams Appoints Parks Leadership

On February 4, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced his appointments to lead the Department of Parks and Recreation. The appointments are Susan M. Donoghue as Commissioner of the Parks Department, and Iris Rodriguez-Rosa as First Deputy Commissioner. The appointments are the latest in Mayor Adams’ new administration. 

Mayor Announces Affordable Housing Leadership Appointments

The three appointments are the latest to the new Adams administration. On January 30, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced his appointments for his administration’s affordable housing administration and policy team. The new appointees are Jessica Katz as the Chief Housing Officer; Adolfo Carrión Jr. as the new Commissioner of the Department of Housing and Preservation (HPD); and Eric Enderlin, who will continue to serve as the president of the Housing Development Corporation (HDC). The <Read More>