IDA approves $225 M for new Yankee Stadium parking

IDA also approves tax -exempt bonds for 2 health care entities and 1 private school. On October 9, 2007, the New York City Industrial Development Agency voted to provide financial assistance to four entities.

IDA awarded the Bronx Parking Development Company $225 million in tax-exempt bonds to finance the design, construction, and renovation of three new parking garages, two existing garages and six surface lots that would serve the new Yankee Stadium. According to IDA, … <Read More>

IDA’s June Calendar

$85 million in bond offerings on the calendar for IDA’s June public hearing. The New York City Industrial Development Agency, a component of the Economic Development Corporation, held its monthly public hearing on June 7, 2007. Eighteen projects were on the notice of public hearing, including bond offerings totaling $85 million and seven straight-leases.

Among the 18 projects on the calendar was a straight-lease to News America Publishing Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Rupert … <Read More>