City Council Votes to Create Task Force to Study Conversion of Vacant or Unviable Office Space for Other Uses

A switch to remote work for many companies has left more office space vacant, and possibly available for different uses. On December 15, 2021, the City Council voted to approve Int. 2246-A, which creates a task force to study the potential of conversion of vacant and/or commercially unviable office space for different uses. The bill aims to address questions about how to best handle changing uses of office space for businesses, many of whom have <Read More>

City Council Approves Changes to Street Vendor System

The new bill releases 4,000 new street vendor permits over the course of ten years. On January 28, 2021, the City Council voted to approve Int 1116-B, which provides significant changes to the street vendor system. Prior to the legislation, the number of street vendor permits had been capped at 3,000 since 1983. Given the high demand for permits, limiting the number of permits opened an illegal market for renting out permits. Int 1116-B, sponsored <Read More>

City Council Passes Three Bills Aimed at Stopping Income Discrimination and Providing Application Updates

The three bills provide transparency and protections for people seeking rental assistance. On October 29, 2020, the City Council voted to approve three rental assistance bills that would address income discrimination and provide more transparency in the rental assistance application process.

City Council Holds Hearing to Address Deed Fraud Crisis

Proposed legislation would include requirements to provide information about how to respond to suspected deed fraud. On October 13, 2020, the City Council Committee of Housing and Buildings and the Committee on Finance held an oversight hearing examining the City’s deed theft and deed fraud crisis, and discussed two bills and a resolution aimed at combatting deed theft: Int 1913, Int 1919, and Res 1427.

[UPDATE] Council Looks to Amend Third-Party Delivery Service Bills to Address Proper Timeframe

Small Business hearings takes dire tone. On August 13, 2020, the City Council Committee on Small Business held a remote public hearing, on three bills that would cumulatively limit third-party food delivery services and require the Department of Small Business Services to create reports on COVID-19 related small business grants and loans. Beyond the three bills, the hearing also delved into the state of small business in the City and potential action to alleviate stresses … <Read More>

City Council Hearing Reveals Inadequate COVID-19 Response from NYCHA

Residents voiced concerns about mold, ventilation and lack of signage. On June 29, 2020, the New York City Council’s Committee on Public Housing and the Committee on Housing and Buildings held a joint hearing to discuss the steps that the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) and the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) are taking to protect residents from the spread of COVID-19.