City Planning Commission Discusses Zoning for Carbon Neutrality Amendment Ahead of Public Review Process

Commissioners raised early questions about implementation and funding issues. On January 30, 2023, the City Planning Commission held a review session and overview discussion for the proposed Zoning for Carbon Neutrality amendment, one of the three City of Yes amendments proposed by Mayor Eric Adams last year. The Zoning for Carbon Neutrality amendment aims to reduce or eliminate unnecessary restrictions within the zoning text that inhibit a developer or building owner from using sustainable technology <Read More>

Zero Carbon Zoning Amendment Can Remove Obstacles for Sustainability

Mayor Adams proposed a new city amendment to reduce our carbon footprint by removing red tape around certain zoning codes. On June 1, 2022, New York City Mayor, Eric Adams, proposed three new citywide text amendments to improve the City’s equity, sustainability, and housing. Mayor Adams believes current zoning codes have certain restrictions that could be diminished or completely eliminated in order to fulfill these goals. One of the proposed amendments, “Zoning for Zero Carbon,” … <Read More>

Mayor Announces Proposed Zoning Changes to Affordable Housing, Small Business Restrictions and Sustainability

The zoning text amendments are in development and will be drafted with input from stakeholders before undergoing public review later this year. On June 1, 2022, Mayor Eric Adams announced a plan for a series of new zoning text amendments and programs aimed at removing obstacles for the recovery of small businesses, increased affordable housing, and the expansion of green technology to promote sustainability. The three zoning text amendments – the Zoning for Economic Opportunity, … <Read More>