Chief Judge Announces Revisions to Commercial and Residential Eviction Proceedings

Execution of eviction warrants paused until October. On August 12, 2020, New York State Chief Administrative Judge Lawrence K. Marks issued a memorandum revising the procedure for both residential and commercial eviction proceedings. Evictions proceedings filed after March 17, 2020, whether residential or commercial, will continue to be suspended. Eviction proceedings commenced prior to March 17, 2020, may resume with a few crucial caveats.

Governor Cuomo Extends COVID-related Eviction Moratorium Until January 1, 2021

The State has taken several actions to protect residential and commercial tenants. On September 28, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced that the statewide moratorium on COVID-19 related residential evictions will be extended through January 1, 2021. The moratorium has been in effect since March 20th and has been extended multiple times.