Reducing Racial Bias Embedded in Land Use Codes

Even though the Supreme Court struck down race-based land use controls over a hundred years ago in Buchanan v. Warley, 245 U.S. 60 (1917) it has long been known that zoning continues to create or increase racial and economic segregation. Today communities across the U.S. are reexamining their zoning regulations to create more equal, equitable, inclusive, and resilient communities by removing requirements, limitations, or prohibitions that disproportionately and negatively impact individuals based on race … <Read More>

City Planning Releases Second Regional Economic Growth Report

The 2019 report shows that the economy expanded faster than housing. On October 30, 2019, Deputy Mayor Vicki Been and Department of City Planning Director Marisa Lago announced the release of the 2019 Geography of Jobs report. This is the City’s second report on shifting growth patterns concentrating jobs and housing pressures in New York City and other urban areas.