Scenic Landmark Designation of Coney Island Boardwalk Proceeds

Many speakers asked Landmarks to seek more binding control to ensure the boardwalk’s wood planking is replaced in kind. The Landmarks Preservation Commission held a hearing on the potential scenic landmark designation of the Coney Island Boardwalk at its meeting on April 17, 2018. The designation would include the boardwalk and all structures on it, including furniture, concession pavilions, comfort stations, and lifeguard stations. A 100-foot-wide corridor of sand below and adjoining the boardwalk would … <Read More>

Coney Island Boardwalk Designated a Scenic Landmark

Iconic 2.7-mile long boardwalk designated for its cultural and historical significance, as little if any original fabric remains. On May 15, 2018, Landmarks voted to designate Brooklyn’s Coney Island Boardwalk a scenic landmark. The Boardwalk was originally opened to the public in 1923, and was extended in subsequent years. Under Robert Moses leadership of the Parks Department in 1938, the Boardwalk was straightened, moved inland, and extended. The Boardwalk’s current length is 2.7 miles. A … <Read More>