UPDATED: Construction Shutdown: Preserving Land Use Approvals

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s executive orders issued in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency halted non-essential construction throughout the City of New York. Many of the halted construction projects enjoyed land use approvals granted by City agencies, and the Governor’s orders did not toll the expiration dates of these approvals. (Update:) Subsequent to the construction shutdown, Mayor Bill de Blasio on April 29, 2020 issued an emergency executive order tolling the expiration dates … <Read More>

BSA Approves Mixed-Use Building in Historic District

The building will replace a gas station and auto repair shop.  On September 18, 2015 the Board of Standards and Appeals approved a request by Henry Atlantic Partners LLC for a variance to construct a four-story mixed use building at 112 Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn’s Cobble Hill Historic District.  The building will offer 6,000 square-feet of ground floor retail space with 2,100 square-feet of accessory space in the cellar and 16,500 square-feet of residential … <Read More>