Reminder: Registration Still Open for the Sixth Annual Conference on Trends in NYC Land Use & Real Estate Development

CITY-Land-Use-CLE JPGSeminar Topics:

The Changing Face of Open Space: Legal Issues Associated with Open Space in New York City
Parking Garages, Lots and Off-Street Parking: Proposed New Manhattan Core Parking Rules
Accommodating Expansion of Undeveloped or Underused Urban Land

When: Thursday, April 25, from 1:45 to 6:00 p.m.
Where: 185 West Broadway (between Worth & Leonard Streets), Auditorium
Credit: 4 Professional Practice transitional & non-transitional CLE credits. Non-credit option also available.
Cost: $275 … <Read More>

The Department of City Planning opens the door on parking policy

Parking in Manhattan is a controversial subject. The Department of City Planning weighed in on the topic when, in December 2011, it released a study of parking within Manhattan’s core business districts. City Planning reported that there are fewer off-street parking spaces than there were years ago. In 1978 the Manhattan core had 127,000 off-street public parking spaces; in 2010 there were only 103,000.

The reduction in spaces resulted in part from environmental policies that … <Read More>

Harlem development on W. 116th/117th Streets heard

Two-building project would include affordable rental building and market- rate condominium building. On July 13, 2011, the City Planning Commission heard testimony on L+M Development Partners Inc.’s proposed 266,500 sq.ft. mixed-use project for a through-block lot on the north side of West 116th Street between Malcolm X Boulevard and Fifth Avenue in Harlem. The midblock project site is occupied by a basketball court and a parking lot. L+M plans to redevelop the site with a … <Read More>

Day spa, opened in 2001, legalized

Ten-year permit granted to Eden Day Spa. BSA approved the application of Eden Day Spa to legalize its existing spa at 388 Broadway between White and Walker Streets in Tribeca. The spa, a “physical cultural establishment” under the zoning code, required a special permit to be located within a manufacturing zone.

At the legalization hearing, Eden Day Spa, which has been at this location since 2001, did not face opposition. BSA approved a tenyear permit, … <Read More>