Mayor Announces Successful Enforcement Action and Agreement with Four Landlords Over Lead Safety Violations

On August 1, 2023, Mayor Eric Adams announced the successful enforcement against safety violations found in over 5,000 apartments through an agreement between the city and four landlords that have resulted in almost $500,000 in civil penalties, and required the landlords to resolve all outstanding violations and comply with Local Law 1, the New York City Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Act. 

HPD Announces Settlement with Building Owner to Fix Lead Paint Violations at Four Buildings in the Bronx and Queens

The four impacted buildings have over 200 households. On August 19, 2021, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development announced a settlement agreement with a building owner for the correction of lead-based paint violations across four buildings in the Bronx and Queens. The four buildings are 1585 White Plains Road and 58 East 190th Street in the Bronx, and 90-60 179th Place and 150-02 88th Avenue in Queens. The building owner, Ved Parkash, will be <Read More>

NYCHA Launches New Team to Handle Lead Removal for Residences with Young Children

The program helps target apartments with lead paint that young children frequent. On July 14, 2021, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) launched the Team for Enhanced Management Planning and Outreach (TEMPO). The TEMPO program is dedicated to outreach, inspection and remediation of lead-based paint in NYCHA apartments where a child under the age of 6 lives or routinely spends ten or more hours a week.

City Council Reacts to Lead Paint Ruling by Court of Appeals; Hearing Next Week

City Council to have hearing on a bill to define “residency” in the City’s Lead Law in response to a decision by the Court of Appeals. In April 2016, the New York State Court of Appeals found that a landlord has no duty to remove lead paint from residences where children six-years or younger may spend time when the child does not live in the apartment. The Court found that a child spending in excess … <Read More>

NYCHA Receives $24.7 Million HUD Grant to Support Resident Safety and Security Needs

The funds will go toward improving security lighting and lead abatement. On December 31, 2020, the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) announced that the agency received a $24.7 million Emergency Capital Needs Safety and security Grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to be used to address resident health, safety and security concerns.