Many elected officials questioned whether the developers could follow through on promises of job creation. On September 22, 2020, the developers of the proposed Industry City Rezoning pulled their application after receiving opposition from many elected officials and community members. Industry City is a 5.3 million square foot mixed-use complex with commercial, manufacturing, and community uses in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The complex is located in an area bounded by 32nd Street to the north, 41st … <Read More>
Search Results for: Industry City
City Planning Votes to Approve Proposed Industry City Expansion
The highly contested project was originally heard prior to the COVID-19 pause on the ULURP timeline. On August 18, 2020, the City Planning Commission voted to approve the application for four land use actions to expand bulk and use requirements for Industry City. Industry City is a 5.3 million square foot mixed-use complex with commercial, manufacturing and community uses in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. The complex is located in an area bounded by 32nd Street to … <Read More>
Public Hearing on Contested Industry City Expansion
Despite two years of discussion, Industry City ownership unable to convince Council Member Menchaca and Community Board 7 to support expansion. On February 19, 2020, the City Planning Commission held a public hearing on an application for four land use actions to expand bulk and use requirements for Industry City, in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. Industry City is a 5.3 million square feet mixed-use complex comprised of sixteen buildings with commercial, manufacturing, and community facility uses. … <Read More>
City Planning Releases North Brooklyn Industry & Innovation Plan
The Department of City Planning released a comprehensive plan which seeks to update zoning and other land use strategies to stimulate spaces for new jobs and economic activity in the area. On November 19, 2018, the Department of City Planning released the North Brooklyn Industry & Innovation Plan which sets land use goals and tools for businesses in the area to promote growth and expansion. The Plan is part of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s 10-point … <Read More>
City Announces Largest Civil Rights Settlement for Housing Discrimination
On August 22, 2024, New York City Mayor Eric Adams and the New York City Commission on Human Rights announced the largest civil rights settlement in New York City history. This $1 million housing discrimination settlement was imposed against Parkchester Preservation Management for discriminating against voucher holders. In addition to this historic event, the New York City Commission on Human Rights secured 850 apartment units, the most ever secured in a New York City Commission … <Read More>
Dept of Buildings Releases 2023 New York City Construction Safety Report
On May 6, 2024, the Department of Buildings released the annual New York City Construction Safety Report, which provides a comprehensive analysis of construction safety trends for 2023. The report’s release is part of the agency’s recognition of Construction Safety Week.