Nine-story building approved in Tribeca

Proposed nine-story building at 83 Walker St. Image: Courtesy of Morris Adjmi Architects.

Design for new building on Walker Street features reverse relief of castiron facade. On June 14, 2011, Landmarks approved Abra Construction’s proposal to develop a nine-story residential building on a narrow, vacant lot at 83 Walker Street in the Tribeca East Historic District. Landmarks in 2003 approved a plan to build an eight-story glass and metal building on the lot, but … <Read More>

Two stories and new facade added to Tribeca building

Image: Courtesy of SYSTEMarchitects.

Landmarks found that contemporary, sculptural facade recalled district’s historical character. On April 19, 2011, Landmarks unanimously approved Douglas and Michelle Monticciolo’s proposal to add two floors on top of a three-story building at 187 Franklin Street in the Tribeca West Historic District. The proposal, opposed by the community board, called for a new, sculptural-brick facade above the first floor. The existing building replaced a 1923 one-story garage that was demolished … <Read More>

Tribeca hotel considered

87 Chambers Street. Image: Courtesy of Goldstein, Hill & West Architects

Proposed eight-story hotel would replace collapsed building on throughblock lot fronting Chambers and Reade Streets. On February 8, 2011, Landmarks considered Fishman Holdings’ proposal to build a new eight-story hotel on a now-vacant lot at 87 Chambers Street in Manhattan’s Tribeca South Historic District. The through-block lot has frontages on Chambers and Reade Streets and is located between Church Street and Broadway. In … <Read More>

Revised proposal for vacant Tribeca lot approved

Proposed seven-story building at the corner of Franklin and Varick Streets in Manhattan’s Tribeca West Historic District. Image: Courtesy studioMDA.

Developer modified seven-story project’s facade details in response to concerns expressed at prior hearing. On November 16, 2010, Landmarks approved Real Estate Equities Corporation’s revised proposal to construct a seven-story residential building at the corner of Franklin and Varick Streets in the Tribeca West Historic District. At the proposal’s prior hearing the Commissioners asked <Read More>

North Tribeca contextual rezoning approved

Contextual rezoning establishes new height and bulk regulations in Special Tribeca Mixed Use District’s northern portion. On October 13, 2010, the City Council approved the Department of City Planning’s North Tribeca Rezoning proposal. The plan impacted a 25-block area generally bounded by Canal Street to the north, Walker and Hubert Streets to the south, Broadway to the east, and West Street to the west.

Planning’s proposal replaced the area’s M1-5 zoning with a C6- … <Read More>

New building on vacant Tribeca lot considered

In 1999 Landmarks approved plan for new six-story structure, but owner died before developing site. On September 7, 2010, Landmarks considered Real Estate Equities Corporation’s proposal to construct a seven-story residential building on a vacant corner lot facing Finn Square at 137 Franklin Street in the Tribeca West Historic District. The site had once been occupied by a one-story building built in 1985. In 1999, Landmarks approved the then-owner’s plan to demolish the building and … <Read More>